Using browser detection and the body_class() function to modify css

Can’t tell you exactly why but that function didnt work for me either.. Finally i have found this script i have modified a little bit here: get_browser() Here it is (in your functions.php): function whatBrowser() { //browsers define(“UNKNOWN”, 0); define(“TRIDENT”, 1); define(“GECKO”, 2); define(“PRESTO”, 3); define(“WEBKIT”, 4); define(“VALIDATOR”, 5); define(“ROBOTS”, 6); if(!isset($_SESSION[“info”][‘browser’])) { $_SESSION[“info”][‘browser’][‘engine’] = … Read more

Theme Options – localhost to new url

The way I’ve always migrated sites is not by search and replacing, but just by changing two fields in wp_options: siteurl and home. Try doing only this, no search and replace, and see if it fixes your options page / widgets. It may be that by replacing all instances of “localhost,” you’re actually impairing your … Read more

Where to add the code for an outer container in a theme?

It is really hard to say without being able to look at your theme files directly. But you are most likely going to have to put <div id=”hbz_outer_container” style=”position: relative;”> <div id=”hbz_drop_shadow”> somewhere in your header.php and then put the closing tags: </div><!– hbz_drop_shadow –> </div><!– hbz_outer_container –> in your footer.php header.php and footer.php should … Read more

Why has my WordPress theme disappeared from my WordPress site?

As mentioned, you should never modify the code of a theme. You should always create a Child Theme that uses that theme. Info about Child Themes – start here Whenever a theme is updated by the theme author, it overwrites all of the theme code, including the changes you have made to the code. … Read more