Start and stop a timer PHP

Use the microtime function. The documentation includes example code.ShareImprove this answer Follow answered Nov 29 2011 at 12:13 Jon 408k7575 gold badges710710 silver badges780780 bronze badges Add a comment 131 You can use microtime and calculate the difference: Here’s the PHP docs for microtime:

Delay function in C#

Use an async method to create a delay using the built-in Task.Delay method. This will cause execution to be paused and then resumed after the specified time without blocking the current thread. In your specific case

Create a simple 10 second countdown

JavaScript has built in to it a function called setInterval, which takes two arguments – a function, callback and an integer, timeout. When called, setInterval will call the function you give it every timeout milliseconds. For example, if you wanted to make an alert window every 500 milliseconds, you could do something like this. However, … Read more

Adding a timer to my program (javafx)

Timer is used to schedule tasks.. So where do you write those tasks?? Well you have to write those tasks in a TimerTask class… Confused ? Let me break it down, Now you have created a object of Timer class .. Now you have to do some task right? So to do that create an object of TimerTask. Now you … Read more

Make a simple timer in Java

This is not difficult. However, I would caution you that I have seen some very confused answers on stack overflow, in some cases shockingly poor coding habits, so be very careful. First let me answer the question. If seem that the biggest mistake that programmers make in implementing a timer, is thinking that they need … Read more

How to pause my Java program for 2 seconds

You can use: or Please note that both of these methods throw InterruptedException, which is a checked Exception, So you will have to catch that or declare in the method. Edit: After Catching the exception, your code will look like this: Since you are new, I would recommend learning how to do exception handling once you … Read more

Pause the timer and then continue it

If you have already canceled one timer, you can’t re-start it, you’ll have to create a new one. See this answer, it contains a video and the source code how I did something similar. Basically there are two method: pause and resume In pause: In resume: That makes the perception of pause/resume. If your timers perform … Read more

How to use timer in C?

You can use a time_t struct and clock() function from time.h. Store the start time in a time_t struct by using clock() and check the elapsed time by comparing the difference between stored time and current time.