Is there a way to force plugins to use Flyway migrations for database changes?
Is there a way to force plugins to use Flyway migrations for database changes?
Is there a way to force plugins to use Flyway migrations for database changes?
WordPress integration with GitHub without cmd line access nor local development?
You could detect if you are in preview mode for that page and put a red bar at the top of the page that says “preview mode, do not edit”. That would remind the person that they should not edit that page. You can also make the red bar sticky and make it overlap the … Read more
This is because WordPress considers the location stored in ABSPATH or a folder higher up to be version controlled: if ( $updater->is_vcs_checkout( ABSPATH ) ) { _e( ‘This site appears to be under version control. Automatic updates are disabled.’ ); And in the phpdco for is_vcs_checkout: * Checks for version control checkouts. * * Checks … Read more
If you are editing the child theme CSS then this line has nothing to do with that: wp_enqueue_style( ‘parent-style’, get_template_directory_uri() . ‘/style.css’, [], THEME_VERSION, ‘all’); get_template_directory_uri always refers to the parent theme, get_stylesheet_directory_uri always refers to the active theme, in this case the child theme. Likewise these lines refer to the currently active theme, aka … Read more
Since you have already made changes in various files, the code you are looking for can be found in the following file: /assets/0.2.8/css/style.css Search around line 702 in FF devTools – may differ in other browser or in the original file: .popup { letter-spacing: .1em; text-align: left; overflow: auto; z-index: 95 } There, simply add … Read more
Yes, if you are asked to create a feature branch, do that. If you already have code in your IDE, you may have the main branch. Creating a branch, you’ll create a copy of the code separate from the main branch, then make your commits to that feature branch.
How to continuously developing a WP site that is already deployed in production without damaging it during development
I don’t know Dreamweaver at all, but it certainly has the ability to know when an underlying file has changed, yes? Suppose you open an html file in Dreamweaver. Suppose you open it also in vim or TextWrangler; were you to save it in vim or TextWrangler, would it throw an alert to reload the … Read more
Semantic versioning is better for WordPress. I used 4 digits in one of my plugin versions once and it didn’t play nice. Here’s a page from Make WordPress Core