using jquery autocomplete in wordpress plugin

Auto complete is most likely not working on the extra fields because they are added with javascript dynamically, and when you make your javascript .autocomplete() call, it runs on page load. Your dynamically created fields do not exist yet to have autocomplete hooked with them. Try this. jQuery(document).on(“keydown”, “.post_email_repeatable”, function(){ jQuery(this).autocomplete({ source: “get_posts.php”, minLength: 1 … Read more

Cannot get jQuery to work in WordPress [duplicate]

@milo might have a point. WordPress loads jQuery in no-conflict mode. So this: $(document).ready(function(){ alert(‘ready’); }); becomes this: jQuery(document).ready(function(){ alert(‘ready’); }); if you want to use $ to not have to refactor your code just pass it to the function: jQuery(document).ready(function($){ $(‘.selector’).html(‘this will now work’); });

jQuery color picker function on change

$(‘yourColorpickerselector’).wpColorPicker({ change: function(event, ui) { var form = $(this).closest(‘form’) form .trigger(‘change’) } }); within color picker default method “change”. you can trigger form change. or any other function, what you want to do. related link : wordpress discuss iris color picker

jQuery functions work in console, but not live

Where are you using the jQuery code we see in question? If you are using it in header (head), I would recommend using: jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery(‘.homepage_buttons_text a[href^=”″]’).each(function(){ jQuery(this).html(“<h1 class=”homepage_button_title”>Workouts</h1><span class=”homepage_button_title”>Books / DVD’s / Downloads</span>”); }); }); If you are using the code in the footer, the above replacement is still recommended and for each add_action hook … Read more

CF7 Add a read only attribute to an input field

It`s not completely clear to me how your fields are organized but adding the following piece of code to your if statements should help making the desired input “readonly”: jQuery(‘input[name=”internetSearch”]’).prop(‘readonly’, true);

jQuery append only works if I select html in admin section [closed]

These three lines work as expected , There is a problem maybe with other code before these lines that prevent the execution of your script; In case just fire the browser console in this page and try them here $( “html” ).append( “<div id=’bf_rsvp_note_display’></div>” ); $( “body” ).append( “<div id=’bf_rsvp_note_display’></div>” ); $( “.topbar” ).append( “<div … Read more