TensorFlow: how is dataset.train.next_batch defined?

The mnist object is returned from the read_data_sets() function defined in the tf.contrib.learn module. The mnist.train.next_batch(batch_size) method is implemented here, and it returns a tuple of two arrays, where the first represents a batch of batch_size MNIST images, and the second represents a batch of batch-size labels corresponding to those images. The images are returned … Read more

How to zip two 1d numpy array to 2d numpy array [duplicate]

The answer lies in your question: Edit: Although my post gives the answer as requested by the OP, the conversion to list and back to NumPy array takes some overhead (noticeable for large arrays). Hence, dstack would be a computationally efficient alternative (ref. @zipa’s answer). I was unaware of dstack at the time of posting … Read more

Import file from parent directory?

I have the following directory structure: application/main.py contains some functions. tests/main.py will contain my tests for these functions but I can’t import the top level main.py. I get the following error: I am attempting to import using the following syntax: What am I doing wrong?