Unable to get all tags from specific categories

Looks like all I needed was to include 'posts_per_page' => -1 in the $query_args array.

Final, working code:

    <ul class="tag-list">

        $query_args = array(
            // Easier to call the parent category, "recipe" instead of dealing with all these ids
            // 'cat' => '101,94,93,56,72,99,100,63,98,95,96,80,4',
            // Calling recipes (4) and ingredients (56) category ids - specific recipe types that are children of recipes get included
            'category__in' => array( 4, 56 ),
            // Grabs all posts, not just the ones on the first page
            'posts_per_page' => -1
        $query = new WP_Query( $query_args );
        //  $query = new WP_Query( 'author_name=centehua' );

        $posttags = "";
        while( $query->have_posts() ) {
          if( get_the_tag_list() ){
              $posttags = $posttags . get_the_tag_list('',',',',');


        // Explode tags in array
        $sortedtags = explode(',', $posttags);

        // Sort array

        // Remove duplicates from array
        $sortedtags = array_unique($sortedtags);

        // Remove the blank entry due to get_the_tag_list
        $sortedtags = array_values( array_filter($sortedtags) );

        foreach ($sortedtags as $tagname) {
          echo '<li>' . $tagname . '</li>';
