What is the difference between random.randint and randrange?

The docs on randrange say:

random.randrange([start], stop[, step])

Return a randomly selected element from range(start, stop, step)This is equivalent to choice(range(start, stop, step)), but doesn’t actually build a range object.

And range(start, stop) returns [start, start+step, ..., stop-1], not [start, start+step, ..., stop]. As for why… zero-based counting rules and range(n) should return n elements, I suppose. Most useful for getting a random index, I suppose.

While randint is documented as:

random.randint(a, b)

Return a random integer N such that a <= N <= bAlias for randrange(a, b+1)

So randint is for when you have the maximum and minimum value for the random number you want.

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