You should perform the following steps on the staging site. You can create a staging site by cloning the current site to another domain or a sub-domain.
Implement the working solution to the live site.
Try the following points one by one and check if it fixed the issue. If one step didn’t work, then move to the next step.
- Increase Memory Limits
- Add
define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M');
- Add
php_value memory_limit 256M
- Add
memory_limit = 256M
- Try to increase the value to higher value if
is not working
- Add
- Disable Plugins
- Disable all plugins one by one
- Disable Active Theme
- Switch back to default theme
- Switch on Debugging
- Add
define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );
- It may show the error messages instead of the white screen. You may get hint to fix the issue after seeing the error
- Add
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