Why are my roles not visible in a Multi-site/Network?

  1. Determine your Multisite Blog ID. I will use 99 as an example
  2. Go into the database
  3. Go to this table: wp_##_options (wp_99_options) — you will have a table for each blog
  4. Find the record where option_name = wp_user_roles
  5. Change the text wp_user_roles to wp_##_user_roles (“wp_99_user_roles”)

The table you are editing will have option_id, blog_id, option_name, option_value, autoload. However, DO NOT CHANGE ANY RECORD except the record where option_name = wp_user_roles. There will only be a single record in this table like this.

wp_user_roles is used when there is no Multisite install, and here, it appears as though it was just a bug when the table was created.

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