woocommerce how in checkout to add my custom field check box, and when i check it hide the shipping adress and add tax 19% [closed]


You use virtual products on your shop.

On checkout page, you have created and set an additional checkbox for european VAT purpose.

There is 3 cases related to this checkbox.

  1. Checkbox is hidden (default)
  2. Checkbox is visible when selected country is an european

    • Checkbox disabled (default) => set the VAT value to ‘0’
      (vat is not applied).
    • Checkbox enabled:
      1. VAT is applied normally
      2. Hide (unset) all fields in billing details except email field and country selector.


Your php functions related to checkbox detection state, because you use $_POST['my_checkbox'] but you don’t post (submit) anything, you have just an enable/disable state on a form item.

WHAT DO YOU NEED TO DO (not done yet) :

  1. Define the european countries => Visible checkbox state
  2. You need to use javascript/jQuery .select() form event for detection and Ajax in javascript and wordpress.

    Read this article: 5 TIPS FOR USING AJAX IN WORDPRESS.
    You can search and find a lot of related stuff to wordpress ajax and form element detection state over this forum threads.