Display list of terms having the same custom field value

To do that, you’ll need a custom query – WordPress doesn’t have a ready-made function for getting that type of data from the termmeta table.

The custom query uses get_col() which allows you to get an array of the term_ids where the meta_key and the meta_value match the values you have in the question. Notice that the query uses prepare() which is good practice for security.

More info on $wpdb can be found on its Codex page.

Providing you get some results back, you can then loop through them, and using WordPress’ get_term and get_term_link functions, output the list of links you’re looking for.

global $wpdb;

// custom query to get all the term_ids from the termmeta table
$query_str="SELECT term_id FROM " . $wpdb -> prefix . 'termmeta WHERE meta_key = %s AND meta_value = %s';
$meta_key   = 'food_type';
$meta_value="Cat food";

$term_ids = $wpdb -> get_col( $wpdb -> prepare( $query_str, $meta_key, $meta_value ) );

// if you got results back, loop through them to create a list of links
if( $term_ids ):

    $taxonomy = 'your_taxonomy';

    echo '<ul>';
    foreach( $term_ids as $id ):

        // get the term object with $id for displaying the name
        $term = get_term( $id, $taxonomy );
        // get the term permalink
        $url  = get_term_link( $term );

        echo '<li>';
        echo  '<a href="' . $url . '">' . $term -> name . '</a>';  
        echo '</li>';

    echo '</ul>';
