WordPress displays post on subcategory only

How can I remove the post from subcategory 1.2 on subcategory 1?

Use the 'category__in' argument parameter instead of the 'cat' parameter.

Here is a user function that does what you want.

 * Category post list.
 * An unordered list of category posts links. Posts in subcategories
 * are not listed in parent category. Skips categories with no posts.
 * @param $parent_category The parent category to start with. Defaults to 0.
function wpse_113987_category_post_list( $parent_category = 0 ) {

    $post_list_format="<li><a href="https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/113987/%s">%s</a></li>";

    // Step through each category object.
    foreach ( get_categories( "child_of=$parent_category" )  as $category ) {

        $category_posts = get_posts( array(
            // Do not include posts in sub categories.
            'category__in'  => array( $category->term_id ),
        ) );

        // Skip categories with no posts.
        if ( empty( $category_posts ) )

        echo "<h2>$category->name</h2>\n";
        echo "<ul>\n";

        // Step through each post object.
        foreach ( $category_posts as $post ) {
            printf( $post_list_format, get_permalink( $post->ID ), get_the_title( $post->ID ) );

        echo "\n</ul><!-- end $category->name -->\n";

To call it, use:

wpse_113987_category_post_list( 4 );