WP_Image_Editor – How to save the new size of the image in the sizes metadata

I managed to find a way to achieve what I needed, which actually is, an update to the attachment meta, to include the new custom sizes.
For this, I used the wp_get_attachment_metadata and wp_update_attachment_metadata.

A basic code skeleton for this is like below:

// Get existing image metadata
$metadata = wp_get_attachment_metadata($imageId);

// Get the path of the original image file to initiate a new WP_Image_Editor later on
$path = wp_get_original_image_path($imageId);

// Get the WP_Image_Editor object
$wp_editor = wp_get_image_editor($path, array());

// Resize the image
$result = $wp_editor->resize($size['max_w'], $size['max_h'], $crop);

if(!is_wp_error($result)) {
    // Create a reference to the new file
    $new_file = $wp_editor->generate_filename();

    // Save the new file

    // Get pathinfo of the file
    $fileinfo = pathinfo($new_file);        

    // Add the new size info to the metadata
    $metadata['sizes']['size_name'] = [];
    $metadata['sizes']['size_name']['file'] = $fileinfo['basename'];
    $metadata['sizes']['size_name']['width'] = $size['max_w'];
    $metadata['sizes']['size_name']['height'] = $size['max_h'];
    $metadata['sizes']['size_name']['mime-type'] = mime_content_type($new_file);
    $metadata['sizes']['size_name']['filesize'] = filesize($new_file);

    // Update the metadata
    wp_update_attachment_metadata( $banner_image_id, $metadata );