I’m answering my own question, since this appears to be a scenario likely to occur, despite the fact that I didn’t see it represented on any WordPress help sites. wordpress.org made mention of the field and thats about it.
In the wp-options table of the wordpress database there are two fields, home and siteurl which must correspond to your public IP address. If your IP is not static or has changed, you will have problems. If you were to, for example, set up your LAMP stack and install wordpress on an AWS instance prior to setting an elastic IP for a domain name, this would get screwed up. The fix:
Log into your mysql account:
mysql -u <username> -p
Get the name of your wordpress database:
Set to that database:
USE <wordpress database>
List the fields and confirm they both match your public IP:
SELECT * FROM wp_options WHERE option_name="home" OR option_name="siteurl";
If the fields do not match, fix them:
UPDATE wp_options SET option_value="http://<correct IP address>" WHERE option_name="siteurl" OR option_name="home";
This fixed the issue for me.