Steps to debug on a blank screened wordpress install

  1. Add the following to wp_config.php:

    define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );
  2. Reset the Plugins folder

  3. Revert to the default Theme (currently Twenty Eleven), using a similar method to the Plugin-reset step (just be sure that the only Theme available in /wp-content/themes/ is twenty-eleven)
  4. If your site is restored, great! If not, you likely have some sort of server or database configuration issue. In either case, knowing the exact debug/error message returned will be necessary in order to troubleshoot further
  5. Assuming your site is restored, begin to rebuild it
  6. Restore/activate your Theme. If you get a WSOD, your Theme is the problem. Report back any Fatal Error messages you get
  7. Assuming your Theme activates fine, and your site is still up, begin restoring/activating your Plugins, one-by-one. If you get a WSOD, you have identified the problematic code. Report back any Fatal Error messages you get

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