Localize strings for translation

Always keep in mind: your translators might need need to reorder all words. So you cannot insert dynamic values into translatable strings like you did here.

Use sprintf() or printf() and placeholders instead:

$string = _x( 
    'This article has %s words to read', 
    '%s = number of words', 

printf( $string, number_format_i18n( str_word_count($post->post_content) ) );

$string = _x( 
    'Page %1$s of %2$s',
    '%1$s = current page, %2$s = all pages',

echo "<div class="pagination"><span>" 
    . sprintf( $string, $paged, $pages ) 
    . "</span>";

No placeholder is needed in this case:

echo "<a href="" . get_pagenum_link($paged + 1)."">" 
    . _( 'Next &rsaquo;', 'your_textdomain' ) 
    . "</a>";
