Add action save post when create and publish

I think one key question here is how _select_match_from_id meta value is saved? Is it some metafield on the post edit screen or from some other logic?

If I may assume that it is from a metafield, then you could just read its value from the $_POST array.

You could also improve your code by splitting the callback function into two, one for new posts and the other for updates, and moving the database action into a separate function.

Using the save_post_{$post->post_type} helps you eliminate the post type check from the callback. The save_post callback recieves also a third parameter bool $update which you can use to determine, if it is a new post that is saved or an post update.

So you could for example do the following,

// Use post type specific actions to eliminate post type checking in callback
add_action('save_post_match', 'when_save_post_match', 10, 3);
add_action('save_post_match', 'when_update_post_match', 10, 3);

function when_save_post_match(int $post_id, WP_Post $post, bool $update) {
  // only new posts
  if ( $update ) {
  // get data for new post
  $id_match = new_posts_match_from_db($post_id);
  // pass id and data to action
  execute_database_action($post_id, $id_match);

function new_posts_match_from_db(int $post_id) {
  // this could be from the posted values as below or some other logic
  // TODO: update to match your setup
  return $_POST['_select_match_from_db'] ?? null;

function when_update_post_match(int $post_id, WP_Post $post, bool $update) {
  // only updates
  if ( ! $update ) {
  // get data from post meta
  $id_match = existing_posts_match_from_db($post_id);
  // pass id and data to action
  execute_database_action( $post_id, $id_match );

function existing_posts_match_from_db(int $post_id) {
  return get_post_meta( $post_id, '_select_match_from_db', true );

function execute_database_action(int $post_id, $id_match) {
  // your db action...

Modify as needed.