Add nav menu CSS class to body

This is what I managed to cobble together thanks to Mridul Aggarwal’s hints:

function pa_assign_menu_class_to_body(){
  // 'main' is the theme_location, set earlier using register_nav_menus()
  $class_list = array();

  if ( ( $locations = get_nav_menu_locations() ) && isset( $locations[ $menu_name ] ) ) {
    $menu = wp_get_nav_menu_object( $locations[ $menu_name ] );
    $menu_items = wp_get_nav_menu_items($menu->term_id);

    // _wp_menu_item_classes_by_context() adds current, current_item_parent and current_item_ancestor to the appropriate arrays in the provided variable
    _wp_menu_item_classes_by_context( $menu_items );

    $classes = array();

    foreach($menu_items as $menu_item) {
      if ($menu_item->current == 1) {
        $classes['current'] = $menu_item->classes;
      if ($menu_item->current_item_parent == 1) {
        $classes['parents'] = $menu_item->classes;
      if ($menu_item->current_item_ancestor == 1) {
        $classes['ancestors'] = $menu_item->classes;

    // create a one-dimensional array of unique classes
    foreach($classes as $class) 
      foreach ($class as $cls) $class_list[] = $cls;
    $class_list = array_values(array_unique($class_list));
  // if, for some reason, we have no results, we need to assign a default class otherwise WordPress complains
  if (empty($class_list)) $class_list[] = 'default';
  return $class_list;
add_filter( 'body_class', 'pa_assign_menu_class_to_body');

This function does a little too much, because it adds all the menu-item-type classes too. All I really want is the custom CSS classes which the user has entered into the CSS Classes field in the WordPress menus admin screen. Any thoughts on how to extract only those classes would be most welcome.