Adding simple (one button) Audio player using Custom Fields?

At the most basic, your page will need to have a hidden <audio> element and some javascript to trigger the playback.

You can simply add the URL of the audio file for each post to your custom field, then call get_post_meta() in your template to bind it to the player. Then on the frontend you can bind a click handler to your button that plays the pre-defined audio element.

The custom field (named audioURL in this example)


In your template file

<audio id="audioPlayer" src="<?php get_post_meta(get_the_ID(),"audioURL', true); ?>" preload="auto">

The JavaScript

// Vanilla JS
document.getElementById('yourButtonID').onclick = function() {

// Or if you're using jQuery
$('#yourButtonID').on('click', function() {

Hope this helps!