Admin – create custom post status and display above table

You can use the answer given here:

How to add a quicklink to the Posts Admin Published|Scheduled|Trash menu

For e.g. Stephen Harris answered the same question to add an extra menu item for displaying today’s posts.

add_filter( 'views_edit-post', 'wpse_add_my_view');
function wpse_add_my_view($views){
 global $post_type_object;
 $post_type = $post_type_object->name;

 $y =mysql2date('Y', current_time('mysql') );
 $m =mysql2date('m', current_time('mysql') );
 $d =mysql2date('d', current_time('mysql') );
 $views['today'] = "<a href="$y&monthnum=$m&day=$d&post_type=$post_type">".__('Today','myplugin')."</a>";

return $views;