Can not click on a Element: ElementClickInterceptedException in Splinter / Selenium

I’m trying to scrape a page, but I sometimes have trouble clicking a link/button.

When the web page loads, then the “loadingWhiteBox” will appear first and then disappear after a few seconds (but it will remain in the HTML code) as long as the box is appears on the website, I can not click on the link and get following error message:

selenium.common.exceptions.ElementClickInterceptedException: Message: 
Element <span class="taLnk ulBlueLinks"> is not clickable at point 
(318.3000030517578,661.7999877929688) because another element <div 
class="loadingWhiteBox"> obscures it

Is there any way to work around this? I’ve already tried working with the following command:


But the element is present even when it’s not active.

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