Create heirachy of post terms from array & assign post to terms

Only the first and last term is added, all others are omitted in your code. A street is created twice, because you double-insert the last element of the array.

else if ($i == $len - 1) {
    wp_insert_term( $term, 'location', array( 'parent'=> $term_id ) );
    // Child terms
    wp_insert_term( $term, 'location' );

Try to change foreach loop:

$location_array_reversed = array_reverse( $location_array );

$parent_id = 0; 
$location_array_ids = [];
$taxonomy_slug = 'location';
foreach( $location_array_reversed as $term ) { 

    $res = term_exists( $term, $taxonomy_slug, $parent_id );
    if ( $res === NULL || $res == 0 )
        $res = wp_insert_term( $term, $taxonomy_slug, ['parent' => $parent_id] );

    $term_id =  (int) $res['term_id'];  // ID of existing or inserted term

    // Save term ID to array 
    $location_array_ids[] = $term_id; 
    $parent_id = $term_id; 
wp_set_object_terms($post_id, $location_array_ids, $taxonomy_slug);

wp_insert_term() returns ID of the inserted term, so you don’t need to use get_term_by() to get ID of the inserted element.