Custom Taxonomy Taxonomies of Same Name point to first created URL

This is a problem with wordpress that happened to me as well. If the titles of 2 terms (even if they are from different taxonomy), wordpress will not create another term in the database, instead link the previous term to taxonomy. If you look in your database, you’ll find only 1 term with title “Mens” which will be a child of both Hats & Shoes. Also if you try to change the title/slug of one of those terms, wordpress will change the corresponding term under other taxonomy too. You can’t separate them like this right now

Interestingly, if the terms you created were “Mens” & “mens”, wordpress takes the slug of the 2nd to be “mens-2” & then it works as normal. I don’t know if it’s intentional but this thing was very frustrating the first time i found out.