Display only current page -> posts tags in page

First you’ve to know what you want to retrieve, you will have to find something identical for that group of post you want to retrieve. Use the following code to retrieve the post, where $args is the variable what contains the arguments to select the right post ids.

$posts = get_posts($args);

foreach($posts as $post) {
    //Get all terms for the retrieved post IDs

foreach($terms as $term) {
    for($i=0;$i<=count($term);$i++;) {
        print $term[$i]->name; //the output

I didn’t test the code yet, but this is basically what you need. It will output names of all the tags.

  1. Get to know of which posts their tags have to be shown.
  2. Store the IDs and use them to retrieve the tags of the specific posts.
  3. Put it all in one array and iterate through it.