Direct some posts to only appear on a specific page

Your Home Page is displayed with index.php or front-page.php in WordPress.

PLAN B: First of all, you have to create a category for Technical Notes page (i.e.: Category Name = “Technical Notes”). Now the plan is, all the posts, by default will be displayed on the homepage by default (as it is doing now), excluding the “Technical Notes” categorized posts, and only the Technical Notes categorized posts will be displayed on your seperate page.

On your home page (whether index.php or front-page.php), you will need to use WP_Query() or query_posts() to query the posts, but exclude the category “Technical Notes”.

And on a page template, which will be used onto your specific page, you will need to use a WP_Query() to call only the posts assigned on the “Technical Notes” category.

Any query is appreciated. 🙂