Yes, the entire old directory will be deleted. So store files in the upload directory and other data in the database to keep all changes.
From class Plugin_Upgrader
//Hooked to upgrade_clear_destination
function delete_old_plugin($removed, $local_destination, $remote_destination, $plugin) {
global $wp_filesystem;
if ( is_wp_error($removed) )
return $removed; //Pass errors through.
$plugin = isset($plugin['plugin']) ? $plugin['plugin'] : '';
if ( empty($plugin) )
return new WP_Error('bad_request', $this->strings['bad_request']);
$plugins_dir = $wp_filesystem->wp_plugins_dir();
$this_plugin_dir = trailingslashit( dirname($plugins_dir . $plugin) );
if ( ! $wp_filesystem->exists($this_plugin_dir) ) //If its already vanished.
return $removed;
// If plugin is in its own directory, recursively delete the directory.
if ( strpos($plugin, "") && $this_plugin_dir != $plugins_dir ) //base check on if plugin includes directory separator AND that its not the root plugin folder
$deleted = $wp_filesystem->delete($this_plugin_dir, true);
$deleted = $wp_filesystem->delete($plugins_dir . $plugin);
if ( ! $deleted )
return new WP_Error('remove_old_failed', $this->strings['remove_old_failed']);
return true;