Getting taxonomies associated with a specified post type

Yes, you can pass a post type to getEntityRecords() and also getTaxonomies(), both using the same format which is an object of arguments:

  • Using getEntityRecords(): 'core' ).getEntityRecords( 'root', 'taxonomy', { type: 'post' } )
  • Using getTaxonomies(): ( which is actually a shorthand for the above code ) 'core' ).getTaxonomies( { type: 'post' } )

See the REST API handbook for the list of accepted arguments:

Working example using getTaxonomies()

So this is for a block type with a string attribute named taxonomy (which stores the taxonomy slug), and I’m using useSelect:

function edit( { attributes, setAttributes } ) {
    // just an example which defines a dynamic post type
    const postType = useSelect( select => {
        const { getCurrentPostType } = select( 'core/editor' );
        return getCurrentPostType();
    }, [] );

    // fetch the post type's taxonomies from the REST API, or retrieve them from the cache
    const taxonomies = useSelect( select => {
        const { getTaxonomies } = select( 'core' );
        return getTaxonomies( { type: postType } );
    }, [ postType ] );

    // build the options object for SelectControl - remember that `taxonomies` could be a
    // null if the REST API request hasn't yet been fully resolved
    const options = taxonomies?.map( taxonomy => ( {
        label: `${ } (${ taxonomy.slug })`,
        value: taxonomy.slug,
    } ) );

    return (
        <div { ...useBlockProps() }>
                value={ attributes.taxonomy }
                options={ options }
                onChange={ value => setAttributes( { taxonomy: value } ) }