Hooking get_pages()

I find the way, but it doesn”t work for my case because the plugin uses another function to link to parent pages, without using get_pages()so the result is so inconsistent. But the filter is working.

// Get all posts with the meta key 'not_in_menu'
function get_not_in_menu_posts() {

   $post_ids = wp_cache_get( 'wl_not_in_menu' );
   if ( false === $post_ids ) {

       $post_ids = array();
           'post_type' => 'page',
           'meta_key' => 'not_in_menu',
                'meta_value' => '1'

       $not_in_posts = get_posts( $args );
       if( $not_in_posts ) {
       $post_ids = wp_list_pluck( $not_in_posts, 'ID' );

   wp_cache_set( 'wl_not_in_menu', $post_ids );

   // return an array of IDs
   return $post_ids;

function exclude_pseudo_page( $posts ) {

   $excluded_posts = get_not_in_menu_posts();

   $shaved_posts = array();

   foreach ( $posts as $this_post ) {

       if ( ! in_array( $this_post->ID, $excluded_posts ) ) {
           $shaved_posts[] = $this_post;


   return $shaved_posts;
if ( ! is_admin() ) {
   add_filter('get_pages', 'exclude_pseudo_page');

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