How can I count post views of REST API calls and update them in an ACF field?

I looked around again with a more relaxed mind and figured out that the_posts is the action hook I was looking for. This is how I just did it:

    function ( $post ) {
        $count = (int) get_field('views');
        update_field('views', $count);

Now I’ll just figure out how to sort it by an ACF field…

Update: Nope, this will not work, because the_post runs 10 times in the main query /news/ for each of the 10 items, so even getting the index would increase the view counts. Back to the drawing board…

Update 2: My final idea is to still use the the_post hook as used above, but by adding a ?index=true parameter, which will only be specified with the /news/ endpoint, eg. /news?index=true. I’ll then update the hook function to only count a view if there is no index query string parameter set. Finally, I will hook into the main WP_Query and sort the items by the count before they’re sent out. If this doesn’t work, I’m trashing this whole directory and building the app from scratch using Laravel.

Update 3: I think the last idea is probably not the cleanest or the correct way to do this. I ended up adding a custom endpoint only for counting views, accepting that this is a custom functionality requirement. I did it like this:

function aalaap_count_view( $data ) {
    $post = get_post( $data['id'] );

    if ( empty( $post ) ) {
        return new WP_Error( 'aalaap_post_not_found', 'Invalid post', array( 'status' => 404 ) );

    // Now update the ACF field (or whatever you wish)
    $count = (int) get_field('views', $post->ID);
    update_field('views', $count, $post->ID);

    return new WP_REST_Response($count);

add_action( 'rest_api_init', function () {
    register_rest_route( 'aalaap/v1', '/countview/(?P<id>\d+)', array(
        'methods' => 'GET',
        'callback' => 'aalaap_count_view',
    ) );
} );

Thanks to @Mark-Kaplun for the suggestion in the other answer.