How to Display a Plugin function (content) on frontpage using index.php

Your plugin inserts its feelbox widget by filtering the_content:

if ($options['showinpostsondefault'] == 'on') {
    add_filter('the_content', 'add_feelbox_widget_to_posts');

But your index page doesn’t display the_content, just Title, featured thumbnail, an excerpt and, number of comments.

The plugin code you’ve shown us doesn’t include a print_feelbox_widget() function. Does such a function actually exist in your plugin? (Also, you’ve included it after the closing tag of your post-info div, and outside the close of “the loop” (<?php endwhile; endif; ?>) so if it’s meant to be used in “the loop” you need to move it up a couple lines.)

Otherwise, you might be able to hack your plugin to filter an additional template tag (the_excerpt?) and then add that tag to your index.php template.

So, in your plugin:

if ($options['showinpostsondefault'] == 'on') {
    add_filter('the_content', 'add_feelbox_widget_to_posts');
    add_filter('the_excerpt', 'add_feelbox_widget_to_posts');

Then, in index.php something like:

<div class="post-content image-caption-format-1">
    <?php the_excerpt();?>

You’ll have to play around with exact placement, of course.

Good luck.