how to enqueue javascript to manipulate acf input field in admin?

Maybe an easier approach would be to remove the values before the input is presented in the admin? That would circumvent having to do things in JavaScript after the field is already displayed.

Take a look at acf/prepare_field hook:

function my_acf_prepare_field( $field ) {

    return $field;

// Apply to all fields.
// add_filter('acf/prepare_field', 'my_acf_prepare_field');

// Apply to select fields.
// add_filter('acf/prepare_field/type=select', 'my_acf_prepare_field');

// Apply to fields named "custom_select".
add_filter('acf/prepare_field/name=custom_select', 'my_acf_prepare_field');

// Apply to field with key "field_123abcf".
// add_filter('acf/prepare_field/key=field_123abcf', 'my_acf_prepare_field');

If you are set on JavaScript, you can use ACF’s JavaScript hooks:

acf.add_action('ready', function( $el ){
    // $el will be equivalent to $('body')
    // find a specific field
    var $field = $('#my-wrapper-id');
    // do something to $field

Documentation here: