How to login via wordpress api and get user details?

1. Install and activate JWT Authentication for WP REST API plugin, also install WP REST API plugin
2. Now you can run any wordpress default api from mobile app or any other source or by postman. for example hit this url from your app or by postman.
3. By app or by postman, When you will login with valid details (using rest api) you will get back a token. To login and get token, run the following url by postman or by app

4. By this way you will get a token as shown in picture
postman and jwt authentication

Now use this token to get logged in user details, for example
5. make function in function.php

function checkloggedinuser()
$currentuserid_fromjwt = get_current_user_id();

 add_action('rest_api_init', function ()
  register_rest_route( 'testone', 'loggedinuser',array(
  'methods' => 'POST',
  'callback' => 'checkloggedinuser'

6. Now again run this new url in postman or in app to get logged in user details.
(replace with your url)
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