I’m new in developing responsive WordPress Theme, so which framework to use or work from scratch? [closed]

The answer to which framework you should use is — no one knows.

From code perspective there is certain degree of baseline theme functionality/experience — enforced by formal standards. Those things are recommended/required for inclusion into official theme directory, outside of that people can do things a little more lax.

Frameworks exist for different reasons. Roughly I would say that the broad categories are:

  • providing additional functionality
  • helping with code reuse
  • accommodating specific technologies

There is no “best” or “right” framework because then we would only need one.

Versions are pretty irrelevant. Frameworks tend to be made by intermediate to advanced developers/agencies. They are either decently maintained or discontinued altogether.

In a nutshell you’ll need to conduct your own research and evaluate frameworks, fitting your requirements, yourself. This is not something someone else can pick for you.