Jetpack Infinite Scroll, Isotope and ImagesLoaded

The problem was that I call imagesLoaded on the Isotope grid itself, instead of the newly added items. I changed only the event that triggers when new items were added to wait until the images of the newly added posts are loaded, then append them to the isotope layout.

infinite_count = 0;
    // Triggers re-layout on infinite scroll
    $( document.body ).on( 'post-load', function () {
        var $container = $('#grid');

        infinite_count = infinite_count + 1;

        var $selector = $('#infinite-view-' + infinite_count);
        var $elements = $selector.find('.hentry');

        $elements.imagesLoaded().done( function(){
            $container.append( $elements ).isotope( 'appended', $elements );