JS: iterating over result of getElementsByClassName using Array.forEach

No. As specified in DOM4, it’s an HTMLCollection (in modern browsers, at least. Older browsers returned a NodeList).

In all modern browsers (pretty much anything other IE <= 8), you can call Array’s forEach method, passing it the list of elements (be it HTMLCollection or NodeList) as the this value:

var els = document.getElementsByClassName("myclass");

Array.prototype.forEach.call(els, function(el) {
    // Do stuff here

// Or
[].forEach.call(els, function (el) {...});

If you’re in the happy position of being able to use ES6 (i.e. you can safely ignore Internet Explorer or you’re using an ES5 transpiler), you can use Array.from:

Array.from(els).forEach((el) => {
    // Do stuff here

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