Migrating WordPress – New domain entry, links broken

Since you can see the homepage, things are going well. For the search and replace, use whatever is your new url for your homepage. If it is just an IP, then use that one, just make sure you make similar replace, e.g: If you search for oldsite.com it’s ok to replace with #.#.#.# but not with http://#.#.#.#, since you will end up with http://http://#.#.#.# for sure. But if you also used the protocol part (http:// or https://) make the same in your replace: search for http://oldsite , then replace with http://#.#.#.#

In general we can check the following places for remains of the old url, and that could cause problems:

1) In our new domain database, we find the #_options table (where # is your DB prefix) and under the option_name column search for the siteurl and home entries and check their option_value values.

2) We can also check our wp-config.php file for the following entries
define('WP_HOME','http://oldsite.com'); and define('WP_SITEURL','http://oldsite.com');

3) In the server of our new domain we check if there was also tranfered the .htaccess file from the old site and if yes, we check it for hardcoded redirections or anything indicating to the oldsite and make the according changes.