Multiple blog “feeds” in a single blog each with distinctly styled post pages

I suspect I do not entirely follow your meaning when you say ‘feeds’.

However, you say that you want a

way for me to style the individual posts differently based on what feed category they were viewed from?

I may be off base, but if you really mean to say that you want to style a post differently based on the category that it is categorized within, then the in_category template tag may help.

It will not alter the display based on the link that someone clicks just before they arrive the post in question, but instead will alter the display based on your rules set with that conditional tag based on how you categorized the post in the first place.

ex. if you have a post My Red Post categorized with the Category of Red

You could set a rule that styles the background color of the post (or any other formatting )
to display red when the condition is met

if ( in_category( 'red' )) {
// the instructions given after this point could direct the changing of the background to red...
} elseif ( in_category( 'green' )) {
    // instructions given after this point could change background to green...
} else {
    // no change from the standard template...

Not sure if that answers what you are looking for??? 🙂

WordPress codex on in_category template tag