case_when in mutate pipe

As of version 0.7.0 of dplyr, case_when works within mutate as follows: For more information:

Time complexity of a Priority Queue in C++

If you have an array of size n and you want to build a heap from all items at once, Floyd’s algorithm can do it with O(n) complexity. See Building a heap. This corresponds to the std::priority_queue constructors that accept a container parameter. If you have an empty priority queue to which you want to add n items, one at a time, … Read more

Dice rolling simulator in Python

Let’s walk through the process: You already know what you need to generate random numbers. import random (or you could be more specific and say from random import randint, because we only need randint in this program) As you’ve already said it; print(“You rolled”,random.randint(1,6)) “rolls the dice”. but it does it only once, so you need a loop to repeat it. … Read more