How to write C++ on Mac?

Taking my first C++ class in college. I need to download C++ and my teacher gave us a direct link to download it, but it only works on Windows. Is there a way I can format it to work on my Mac or is there a Mac-friendly version I can download?

What do two question marks together mean in C#?

It’s the null coalescing operator, and quite like the ternary (immediate-if) operator. See also ?? Operator – MSDN. expands to: which further expands to: In English, it means “If whatever is to the left is not null, use that, otherwise use what’s to the right.” Note that you can use any number of these in sequence. … Read more

What is git fast-forwarding? [duplicate]

When you try to merge one commit with a commit that can be reached by following the first commit’s history, Git simplifies things by moving the pointer forward because there is no divergent work to merge together – this is called a “fast-forward.” For more : In another way, If Master has not diverged, instead … Read more

How does the modulus operator work?

Let’s say that I need to format the output of an array to display a fixed number of elements per line. How do I go about doing that using modulus operation? Using C++, the code below works for displaying 6 elements per line but I have no idea how and why it works? What if … Read more

Download File Using JavaScript/jQuery

Use an invisible <iframe>: To force the browser to download a file it would otherwise be capable of rendering (such as HTML or text files), you need the server to set the file’s MIME Type to a nonsensical value, such as application/x-please-download-me or alternatively application/octet-stream, which is used for arbitrary binary data. If you only want to open it in a … Read more

How do I grep recursively?

The first parameter represents the regular expression to search for, while the second one represents the directory that should be searched. In this case, . means the current directory. Note: This works for GNU grep, and on some platforms like Solaris you must specifically use GNU grep as opposed to legacy implementation. For Solaris this is the ggrep command.