How can I put a checkbox in the post editor

Your code is correct and is ready for a number field. To make it work for a checkbox, you just need to change the type attribute of the input element from number to checkbox and manage the checkbox state. I think this should work: add_action( ‘add_meta_boxes_post’, “spiaggia_add_meta_box” ); function spiaggia_add_meta_box(){ add_meta_box( “spiaggia_meta_box”, __( “Checkbox Title”, … Read more

Enqueued jQuery not working

Someone answered, but the answer has since disappeared, which is a shame because it lead me to the solution. What ended up working was jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { setTimeout(function () { $(‘div.edit-post-post-schedule span’).text(‘Birth Date’); $(‘div.edit-post-post-schedule span’).css(‘font-weight’,’bold’); }, 250); }); I’m still a bit fuzzy on why it worked, but I will take the win!

posts blocks don’t show up correctly

On the broken page, your per-item div looks like <div itemscope=”” itemtype=”” class=”edd_download” id=”edd_download_28068″ style=”width: 33.3%; float: left;”> That width: 33.3% is wrong: the containing <div class=”edd_downloads_list edd_download_columns_3″> already does the three column layout, so this extra width style means each item should only use a third of the width of the column. You need … Read more