Multisite Network Admin

I’m guessing you have an extra https// in your site configuration somewhere. If you look in wp-config.php you should have define( ‘MULTISITE’, true ); define( ‘DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE’, ‘’ ); define( ‘PATH_CURRENT_SITE’, “” ); and in the database table wp_site you should have id domain path 1 / In particular neither copy of your domain here … Read more

How to apply_filter / add_filter within 2 others (simultaneous?) add_filter

The ll/tracking_args filter is called by the track_conversion() method, and this function is added to the execution in the constructor of the CustomGF class. The GFChild class has its own constructor, so the constructor of the base class CustomGF is not executed. In the GFChild constructor also add track_conversion() function to ll/tracking_args filter or call … Read more

update asset url on free slider revolution version 6.5.25

surely @caleb’s answer is the best but right now I can’t use it. I used the response found in: Need to Replace Old URL with New URL in Revolution Slider. here I put the steps: I export the slider in the local environment. then in the slider-revolution section we go to ‘Manual Import‘

Content Security Policy blocking images from installed plugins’ popup info window, as they are from external domains – global fix?

The answer, as mentioned in a comment by @JacobPeattie, was to add the domains to my .htaccess file where I am setting the CSP Headers, (turns out most plugins’ “View Details” link loads images from, which I just learned). A few other plugins loaded images from other domains, so I also added each of … Read more

How to get attributes from a post requested via the JSON API?

Keep in mind that WordPress uses Backbonejs as its data model representation in their Javascript API Client. Since post.fetch() is an async function and returns a promise then you’d have to do your logic/logging after the fetch is complete. So you write: post.fetch().then( function( p ) { console.log( p ); } ); LINKS: fetch