First, to make sure I understand the general premise, are you wanting to know how to avoid making a separate template for each genre and year?
So, for example, I click a link to view the “consumable crafts” genre. It loads up all the consumable crafts.
Now, if you’re wanting to just make a “genre” template, for instance “taxonomy-art_genre.php”, then what you want is to create that file, pull in your query, and replace:
'terms' => array('consumable-crafts'),
'terms' => get_query_var( 'term' )
That will load the term, as a slug, based on the term their viewing. Thus, going to would load taxonomy-art_genre.php and the “term” that get_query_var would return is “consumable-crafts”.
Does that make sense?
Now, are you wanting to have a page that will show you a particular genre in a particular year? That’s a bit of a different animal, but it can also be solved.
Let me know if this is the answer you were looking for.