Removing the “Popular Terms” area from the Taxonomy Edit Screen in the Admin Area

Oh, I love it when you give me an easy one. Starts to make up for all those harder ones… (well, partly. 😉

So what you want is to replace this:

WordPress Tag Cloud with mixed-sized fonts

With this:

WordPress Tag Cloud with consistently-sized fonts

How? Use the 'wp_tag_cloud' hook which you can put into your theme’s functions.php file or in a .php file of a plugin you might be writing. For this one I tested the global variable $pagenow to make sure it was on the term edit page. In the hook just strip out the style attribute from each of the <a> elements:

function modify_taxonomy_tag_cloud($html,$args) {
  global $pagenow;
  if ('edit-tags.php'==$pagenow) // Only for the tag edit page
    $html = preg_replace("#style="[^"]+'#Us",'',$html);
  return $html;