Run uninstall.php if a checkbox is checked from settings page

You should have a function (single class, or method in a class) for the task to remove all the data from the plugin, like database or options entries.

On your settings page, call after an active checkbox this function, after sending a request, like via Button. In the uninstall.php have you also the possibility to use this function.

So you have only one function to do the same goal and no redundancy.


For the un-installion of the plugin via Core Function, Gui in the admin backend use the function register_uninstall_hook.

The uninstall.php

could look like this

* Uninstallation script
* This file is called automatically by WP when the admin deletes the plugin from the installation.
! defined( 'WP_UNINSTALL_PLUGIN' ) && exit;

require_once __DIR__ . '/src/settings.php';
// Use core function to delete items in the options table
delete_site_option( Your_Class_Settings::OPTION_NAME );
// Call method from class