Can I associate a custom post type with another custom post type?

Yes, you can. You would need to add a custom field that would store the ID of other post type. I would recommend using a select list. You could try something along these lines: add_action( ‘add_meta_boxes’, ‘wpse_143600_add_box’ ); add_action( ‘save_post’, ‘143600_save_box’ ); //create the metabox function wpse_143600_add_box() { add_meta_box( ‘related_testimonial’, __( ‘Testimonails’, ‘wpse_143600_translation’ ), ‘wpse_143600_testimonial_box’, … Read more

Custom Post Type UI for custom tables

The tables are built with WP_List_Table class, but can be re-built visually (no ordering/filtering built in) by copying html. The post list and the posts edit screens for custom post types will be the standard UI – its your metaboxes that will require some manual copying of WordPress styles. There’s these site and project that … Read more

Is there a way to change the Tag selector from text input to checkmarks?

I did this for my product tags, so you just need to change the reference to product_tag and product to post_tag and post. You are basically making the taxonomy of post_tag hierarchical. You will need to add it to your functions.php: //Make Product Tag Hierarchical function wd_hierarchical_tags_register() { // Maintain the built-in rewrite functionality of … Read more