Missing text in IE11

I think I figured out the issue: I’m using the Bourbon Neat sass library and it adds a line: @include font-feature-settings(“kern”, “liga”, “pnum”); that IE apparently doesn’t like. I removed this mixin include and the IE problem went away.

Browser extension to allow users to submit posts front end

Leverage the REST API for extension/WordPress communication. EDIT As discussed in the comments, creating custom AJAX handlers is probably a more straightforward and “more simple” approach. In order to implement your project using the REST API, you would likely have to implement a custom post type as well as a custom REST endpoint controller class. … Read more

How to save history in the client’s browser without login? [closed]

You can use cookie to store information in the visitor’s browser. In your single post template, you can set the cookie by using setcookie( ‘last_post_id’, get_the_ID() ); And on your other page, you can manage the last post that the user has visited. $last_post_id = ! empty( $_COOKIE[‘last_post_id’] ) ? $_COOKIE[‘last_post_id’] : false; if( $last_post_id … Read more

Best Browser for Editing Posts

TinyMCE is generally cross-browser compatible. However they provide the best support for IE, Firefox and Safari. I’ve never ran into problems with my beloved Opera too. http://www.tinymce.com/wiki.php/Browser_compatiblity If there are any bugs they’re mostly not browser-dependent, but if they are – try Firefox, Safari, Opera, IE – in that order.