Get plugin download URL from slug

I forget exactly if the plugin slug is a reliable method to get the url, it might be in most cases but not all due to how plugins are named. You can query the api for the plugins xml file which also contains the download link. For example: $plugin_slug = ‘akismet’; $return_plugin_info = “$plugin_slug.xml” … Read more

How can I list all installed plugins/themes/versions from CLI/API?

Using WP CLI, you can record WordPress version using: wp core version –extra –path=”$SITEPATH” > wp-report.txt and append a list of plugins (with status and version): wp plugin list –path=”$SITEPATH” >> wp-report.txt and append a list of themes (with status and version) using: wp theme list –path=”$SITEPATH” >> wp-report.txt Further reading:

Running custom defined WP-CLI commands without WordPress installation present

This may be helpful. This is what actually wp-cli tries. $_SERVER[‘HTTP_HOST’] = ‘’; define(‘WP_ADMIN’, true); require(‘wordpress/wp-load.php’); You must have these WordPress files files and the database. So the answer is NO unless you create hack. I am not aware of any. If you pass: $ wp make:a.txt –skip-wordpress Error: This does not seem to … Read more

Error updating WP-CLI

First of all, locate your installation of WP-CLI. If you’re using Composer you can list all globally installed packages on the command line like this: composer global show Then update the WP-CLI composer package: composer global update wp-cli/wp-cli If you’re using Homebrew, you can list all installed packages on the command line like this: brew … Read more