How to implement inline cm/inches conversion in WordPress

One way is to create a shortcode for it Can be used like this The length of a European ruler is often [cm2inches]30[/cm2inches] inches. But remember, when you display content it doesn’t automatically get parsed through do_shortcode. Let’s say you’ve saved some meta box information as a site option. Then do it like this:

How to convert code from C# to PHP

I know you’re hoping for someone who had experience but in case no one comes forward… You might consider just copy and pasting the code into a PHP script and checking what breaks. Write a parser to fix that, run it across the entire script, and see what’s the next thing that breaks. Continue until … Read more

Converting XML to JSON using Python?

There is no “one-to-one” mapping between XML and JSON, so converting one to the other necessarily requires some understanding of what you want to do with the results. That being said, Python’s standard library has several modules for parsing XML (including DOM, SAX, and ElementTree). As of Python 2.6, support for converting Python data structures to and from JSON … Read more