how to get my WP site’s IP? [closed]

This is more a general hosting question, rather than WordPress. Nonetheless, since you mentioned that you have your website on, you can have your new domain point to your WordPress site by it’s CNAME. In your case, your CNAME would look be (change example to your actual site). This is the recommended approach … Read more

Why my wordpress site URL does not begin with my domain?

I’ve had similar issues in the past, hosting two different sites with two domains on one host. Here are the two things that have helped me: Update WordPress Settings In the WordPress Admin Dashboard, go to Settings > General. You’ll notice that there’s the WordPress Address (URL) and the Site Address (URL). These control where … Read more

Make a plugin work on specified domain only

You could use a combination of the file content and the domain to create a unique hash. Example: $md5 = md5( file_get_contents( __FILE__ ) . $_SERVER[‘HTTP_HOST’] ); if ( ‘be5d38f32a5d4a897e6c878f0c2f1b14’ !== $md5 ) deactivate_plugins( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ); Additionally, you could check each week per remote request to your server, if the hash is registered … Read more

I have a question about the name of my blog [closed] shows the message that the name “is no longer available. The authors have deleted this site.” does not “recycle” their user name subdomains. You need to pick another account name when you sign up at

Keep the domain name and change to wordpress [closed]

Yes, it’s easy to change CMSs. It’s mainly a process of learning WordPress and copying all the content over. Here’s the general process you’ll need to follow: Make sure you control the domain name. As in, it’s registered by your company and not the agency. If it is registered by the agency, stop here and … Read more

Domain Pointing to

Moving a site is more than moving the database. And it is more than updating the wp-options table’s URLs (although that is important). You also have to change any references to the old URL in the database. I use a plugin called “Better Search and Replace” to update the URLs in the database. (There are … Read more domains

Check this out: It looks like you can just change the name servers/a records/whatever. But if your client is not planning on switching back to, I would suggest you transfer to another registrar. It looks like the Automattic domain manager is pretty full featured, however, so maybe that’s not necessary.