Uncaught Error: Interface ‘…’ not found for direct acces to wp-includes files
Blocking access to things that should never be directly accessed is always the best solution.
Blocking access to things that should never be directly accessed is always the best solution.
As per the lines around the line number of the error: $response = wp_remote_get($this->backup_domain . “?s=” . is_404(), $args); $ups= json_decode($response[‘body’], true); $response may be a WP_Error object if there was an error with the request. Thus, trying to access it as an array on the next line $response[‘body’] can cause the fatal error. You … Read more
Fatal error with start_lvl and start_el in an abandoned theme
Log in via (S)FTP. Rename each plugin directory one by one (adding a letter to the end works) and try to load the site. When you’ve identified the problem one, rename the others back. You’ll need to re-enable them in the Dashboard.
You’re mis-using the caption shortcode here You can fix it by adding a width option, which is required per the official documentation In any case, this is also likely a bug in WordPress (misusing a shortcode shouldn’t result in a PHP Fatal Error). See the following bug report: https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/59206
“Object-cache.php” disables wp_cron and even disables my entire site, and keeps reappearing by itself again after I delete it
If you dig into the function wp_img_tag_add_width_and_height_attr, you see the line where it goes wrong: $size_array[1] = (int) round( $size_array[1] * $style_width / $size_array[0] ); Before this there are two places to do something. The first is a filter to bypass generating any widths and heights, which you could use like this: add_filter (‘wp_img_tag_add_width_and_height_attr’, ‘wpse424749_no_height_width’); … Read more
I’m having the same exact issue. Same message in PHP 8 but not in PHP 7.4. The code is properly indented, ect. and can’t find a single issue.
Here are a couple things you can try: Increase Memory Limit: Sometimes, PHP memory limit issues can cause such errors. Try increasing the memory limit by adding define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘256M’); to your wp-config.php file. Check WooCommerce Status: Go to WooCommerce > Status in your WordPress admin to see if there are any alerts or recommendations.
Fatal Error in my WP “Call to undefined function get_option()”